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Session topic areas are organized by color below. Find what interests you!
  • Optimize Operations
  • Innovation
  • Workforce Management
  •  Quality of Care & Compliance 
  •  Leadership Development 
  •  Growth Mode 
  •  Advocacy 

7:00 - 9:00 AM


7:45 - 8:45 AM


8:45 - 9:00 AM

Opening & Welcome

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Keynote Session

Your Year of Wonders - Embrace Change. Grow Faster. Win Bigger.
Presented by Nick Tasler

Ever wondered why some leaders leave extraordinary legacies of impact and growth…while others leave a trail of emotional exhaustion and mediocre performance?  

External changes -- like reorgs and supply chain disruptions to labor shortages and stifling new regulations -- trigger two voices in every leader’s brain. The 1st voice is the Loss Instinct. It tells leaders to pay 3x more attention to threats than opportunities….which leaves their teams feeling mentally drained, emotionally exhausted, and very often eager to find a new job.

But one of the magical gifts of the highly evolved human brain is that leaders also hear the voice of the Growth Instinct. The 2nd voice tells leaders that “growth is happening” even when it feels like “change is hard.” Leaders who listen to the 2nd voice energize their teams, grow their businesses, and leave a lasting impact on the people around them, while rediscovering the joy of leading.  

From the storefronts to the C-suites -- whether you sell software or soft drinks -- Nick’s message will elevate the mood of your meeting and transform the mindset of your audience. They’ll discover… 

  • How speaking the language of the 2nd Instinct can transform this season of change into a Year of Wonders for their teams.
  • A refreshing new way to reframe their current challenges and reimagine future possibilities. 
  • Why feelings of confusion and uncertainty are actually a fantastic sign that they are on the verge of their next big growth spurt--no matter their age or job title.

Whether you want to boost morale, rally your team for a digital transformation, or just think more innovatively about this year’s challenges and opportunities -- there is no better way to kickoff your next meeting than with the Year of Wonders message.

10:00 - 10:30 AM

Break & Networking

10:30 - 11:30 AM

RoundTable Interactive Discussion

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Lunch & Networking

12:30 - 1:30 PM

Breakout Sessions

Topic:  Quality of Care & Compliance  / Optimize Operations

Breakout 101: The Evolving Compliance Landscape for Medicaid Personal Care RSAs: A Panel Discussion
Presented by Maryland Dept. of Health, Office of Long Term Services & Supports

In May of 2024, Governor Moore signed into law the Home Care Worker Rights Act of 2024 (HB 39). The law is designed to ensure home care workers are classified as employees rather than independent contractors. Starting on January 1, 2026, the law will be effective, and Maryland Medicaid may only reimburse for personal care services if they are provided by an employee. Currently, many personal care RSAs classify these workers as independent contractors. This panel discussion, featuring the Maryland Department of Health, Office of Long Term Services & Supports, will cover the legal, financial, and compliance implications for affected Medicaid RSAs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the expectations for compliance across the Maryland’s government entities responsible for HB 39 implementation and enforcement.
  2. Explore the legal implications related to this conversion, including ensuring compliance with state and federal labor laws before and after making the switch.
  3. Explore the business considerations related to this conversion, including tax implications, financial analysis, and employee benefit offerings.

Topics:   Quality of Care & Compliance Innovation

Breakout 102: Empowering Home Health Providers: Strategies for Success with 2025 VBP, Sepsis Management, and Complex Patient Care
Presented by Monika Virk, MD

This presentation will explore critical updates for home health providers, especially focusing on the progression of the 2025 Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) model changes and their impact on clinical and operational outcomes. Building on last year’s session, this presentation aims to provide a deeper understanding of VBP changes and address emerging issues such as the increased prevalence of sepsis and the challenges posed by high-acuity patient populations discharged from hospitals.

Key Topics:

  1. 2025 VBP Changes & Implications for Home Health Providers
    • Summary of changes and expectations for providers.
    • Maryland's unique position, given its earlier VBP demonstration and challenges with comparative national scoring.
    • Strategies for adapting to the evolving reimbursement environment.
  2. Sepsis and High-Acuity Patients: Addressing Emerging Challenges
    • Rising incidence of sepsis in home health care and its impact on patient outcomes.
    • Best practices for screening, early intervention, and educating families/patients about sepsis symptoms.
    • The challenges of managing higher-acuity patients post-hospital discharge, with a focus on improving outcomes and reducing  rehospitalizations.
    • Integrative approaches for clinicians to adapt to these complex care needs effectively.

 3. Chronic Disease Management Programs: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Opportunities

    • Overview of chronic disease management in home health and its potential role in improving VBP scores.
    • Discussion on the cost-benefit of chronic disease management programs, particularly for agencies in Maryland.
    • Case examples of successful programs and insights on implementation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the updated 2025 VBP model and its specific impact on Maryland agencies.
  • Identify best practices for managing sepsis and high-acuity patients in home health settings.
  • Evaluate the challenges and opportunities of managing higher-acuity patients posthospital discharge.
  • Assess the viability and benefits of chronic disease management programs in home health care.

Topics:  Advocacy   Leadership Development  

Breakout 103: Advocacy 101
Presented by Lindsey Howard

Being able to make change in home health care starts with advocacy. We advocate everyday for our patients in their homes, but what about advocating further to key decision makers who oversee regulations and laws that impact us? In this presentation, I will explain what advocacy is, where to find the right people to talk to, and how you can share your story. By working together, we can educate legislators and MDH leadership on how their decisions impact our patients and ensure that quality of care remains in their homes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how advocacy can impact your patients and caregivers.
  2. How to share your story with 3 simple steps.
  3. Building relationships with key decision makers.

1:45 - 2:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

Topics: Innovation / Optimize Operations Growth Mode 

Breakout 201: Revolutionizing Healthcare: The AI Adventure Begins!
Presented by Daniel Gold

Get ready for an exhilarating transformation of home healthcare as we know it! Imagine smart homes that detect falls before they happen, wearables that spot health issues days before symptoms appear, and virtual assistants that feel like trusted members of your care team. The future isn't just knocking – it's dancing through your front door!

Your caregivers will feel like superheroes, armed with AI tools that slash paperwork time in half and predict patient needs with uncanny accuracy. We're talking about technology that not only saves time but saves lives, keeping more seniors safe and happy at home than ever before.

Don't let your competition beat you to this golden opportunity. The AI revolution in home healthcare isn't coming – it's here! Join the pioneers who are already seeing amazing results. Your patients, staff, and bottom line will thank you. The future is bright, and it starts with you!

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how other companies are using AI in their operations
  2. Understand how AI tools are working with other technologies
  3. Explore how AI will transform your organization

Topics: Workforce Management / Innovation

Breakout 202: Equity, Inclusivity & Diversity in Home Care: Lessons Learned & Future Planning
Presented by Michelle Lynn

This presentation will focus on how MedStar Health as a system began a journey towards equity, inclusivity and diversity efforts systemwide and how MedStar Health Home Care was able to implement EI&D strategies in a nonhospital environment. We will review our challenges and successes, as well as our future plans.

This presentation will benefit other Home Health agencies that may be struggling for ways to incorporate EI&D strategies that are often aimed at hospital-based or location-based staff. This presentation will incorporate lecture and interactive elements through Q&A and small group discussion.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to explain the concepts of equity, inclusivity, and diversity and how they apply in the home health space.
  2. Participants will learn several home health specific strategies for incorporation into their daily work.
  3. Participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm take-home strategies.

Topics: Workforce Management/  Leadership Development 

Breakout 203: What is Compassion Fatigue? How to Recognize When the Professional Needs Support
Presented by Mary Ann Buckley, LCSW-C 

Learn about the history of  the term  “Compassion Fatigue” in the helping professions. Gain an understanding of Compassion Fatigue as a way to acknowledge and identify the toll that caring for others, often during a trauma, can have on the various helping professionals. Understand the symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and ways to care for yourself while caring for others. Explore the role that empathy plays in the various helping professions.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify differences/similarities between Compassion Fatigue and Burn Out 
  2. Identify self-care strategies for helping professionals experiencing Compassion Fatigue
  3. Understand the implications that Compassion Fatigue has on your work performance

2:45 - 3:00 PM 

Break & Networking

3:00 - 3:45 PM

Legislative Updates

Topic:  Advocacy 

State Legislative Update
Presented by Danna Kauffman

Stay ahead in the home care industry with a comprehensive overview of the most recent legislative session in Maryland. This session will cover key legislation, including bills that were passed, those that did not make it through, and legislation anticipated to resurface next year. Understand the implications for home care professionals and prepare for future legislative developments in this critical industry update.

3:45 - 4:30 PM

Awards Ceremony & Business Meeting
Member Awards, Vendor Giveaways, & MNCHA Year in Review

4:30 - 5:00 PM

Networking & Conference Adjourns

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