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Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association
2023 Annual Conference
May 11, 2023 | Maritime Conference Center | Linthicum Heights, MD

Cultivating Communities of Effort


8:45 – 9:00 AM


9:00 - 9:30 AM 

State Legislative Updates with Danna Kauffman

9:30-10:45 AM 

Cultivating Communities of Effort with Keynote Edward Tyson

10:45 – 11:00 AM 


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Revised Residential Service Agencies Application Process with Dr. Tricia Nay and Michelle Kraus

Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) is the agency within the Maryland Department of Health charged with monitoring the quality of care in health care facilities and community-based programs, including Residential Service Agencies (RSA). OHCQ has improved the access and efficiency of the licensure application process for RSAs. This presentation will review the general role of OHCQ and walk through the revised licensure application process.  

Strive to Make a Difference with Catherine Love

In business development we are tasked with increasing business, meeting numbers, building relationships with referral sources. How can we assist with providing the growth our company needs and impact patient final outcomes?

Your Leadership SOPs Playbook with Keynote Edward Tyson

12:00 – 1:00 PM 


1:00 – 1:30 PM 

Awards Ceremony

1:45 – 2:45 PM

How to Setup Power BI In A Day: Practical Tips for Semi-Automated Reporting with Michael Holvey

Have you ever thought, "Wow, I am spending too much time making this report - I really hope it's accurate!"? This session aims to solve both of those problems by showing you practical steps to take so your company can have timely access to data that is both actionable and reliable. 

Latest Legal Developments Impacting the Maryland Home Care Industry with Angelo Spinola & Tony W. Torain, II

Join for a summary on the most significant legal trends and updates impacting your agency in 2023 and strategies for complying with the same. They will discuss hot button issues related to federal and state law, review recent changes at the DOL and Maryland investigation and litigation activity, outline how best to prepare for and respond to an investigation along with other important topics. There will also be time for questions at the end of the session!

Advancing the Skilled Home Care Nursing Workforce through Externships & RN Residencies with Heather Fitzhugh-Boehm & Lynette Godhard

This presentation will share information regarding the Student Nurse Externship (SNE) and RN Residency programs that MedStar Health Home Care has implemented over the last year. We will discuss how we improved our nursing workforce through academic-practice partnerships. We found that promoting early exposure to skilled home care leads to decreased stigma and improved interest in home care as a specialty area. Implementing strategic cohorts for Student Nurse Externs and a tailored curriculum for our RN Residents provided students with the support to thrive in the home health environment. This presentation will benefit other home health agencies interested in advancing their nursing workforce through Student Nurse Externships and RN Residencies.

2:45 – 3:15 PM


3:15 – 4:15 PM

The Wrap-Around Impact of RCM on the Home Care Agency Mission with Phil Feldman

Home Care Agencies have a three-pronged mission – maximizing client care quality, financial stability, and growth.  While up-front management of the Revenue Cycle can serve to minimize claims payment challenges, these same disciplines serve to support care quality, particularly driven by authorization compliance, care plan integrity, and timely visit verification.  We’ll discuss how this all weaves together, and the benefits derived in this regard by a robust, full-featured agency management system.

Implementing Age-Friendly Care: Leveling Up of Patient-Centered Care with Dr. Jennifer Kennedy

In 2030, all Baby Boomers will be aged 65 or older.  Older adults need specialized care and Age-Friendly Care provides that approach.  More than 1.4 million older adults have received age-friendly care thanks to the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement since 2018.  It is time for home-based care services to level up their patient centered care to include Age-Friendly care.

Aging In Place: The New Collaborative Approach to Home-Based Care with Daniel Roth & Noson Weisbord

Discussion surrounding the changing landscape of the Geriatric Healthcare System, specifically the Aging In Place trend. Aging in Place is all everyone talks about these days. What actions are we taking to shape, mold, and lead this transformation? We need to start looking at the entire continuum of care differently. The number of different clinical and non-clinical services available at home has exploded, but for the most part we still do what we have done the last 50 years, “cause that’s how it was always done”. It’s time to rethink our approach and make our consumers aware of their options – let's be the force for positive change the aging field so desperately needs!

Pens? Hand sanitizer? The same 12 Homecare marketers at a “Senior Health & Wellness Fair”? This is our current idea of consumer-facing marketing. We all know it's not ideal. Let's start over, using EDUCATION (not referrals) as the foundation.

4:15 - 4:30 PM


4:30 – 5:00 PM 

Vendor Giveaways & MNCHA Year in Review 

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