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Maryland-National Capital

Homecare Association

Sponsor the 2022 Annual Meeting

  • Tuesday, May 03, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Turf Valley Resort, 2700 Turf Valley Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21042


  • Includes 8’ exhibit table, one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on sponsor board, Pre and Post conference attendee list, 50-word company description in the program guide.
  • Includes 8’ exhibit table, one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on sponsor board, Pre and Post conference attendee list, 50-word company description in the program guide.
  • Includes 8’ exhibit table in high-traffic location, two complimentary conference day registrations, Recognition from the podium, Logo on sponsor board, Pre and Post conference attendee list, 50-word company description in the program guide.
  • Includes 8’ exhibit table in high-traffic location, two complimentary conference day registrations, Recognition from the podium, Logo on sponsor board, Pre and Post conference attendee list, 50-word company description in the program guide.
  • Includes one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on a placard at the breakfast table, Recognition from the podium.
  • Includes one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on a placard at the breakfast table, Recognition from the podium.
  • Includes one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on placard at the lunch buffet, Recognition from the podium.
  • Includes one complimentary conference day registration, Logo on placard at the lunch buffet, Recognition from the podium.
  • Includes logo on a placard at the refresher table.
  • Includes logo on a placard at the refresher table.
  • Includes logo on a placard at the refresher table.
  • Includes logo on a placard at the refresher table.
  • Includes one complimentary reception registration, Signage at reception.
  • Includes company name printed on lanyard.
  • Includes company logo in the printable area of the tote bag.
  • -Item (most likely tote bag) with Sponsor & MNCHA logo to be given to all attendees
    -Signage with logo in all three breakout rooms during breakout sessions; With option to read Sponsordescription before the first breakout session
    -Back Cover Program Guide Advertisement
    -Social media shout-out
    -Logo in all promotional emails of Annual Meeting
    -Two registrations to gift to clients (cannot already be registered for Annual Meeting)
    -Post-attendee list

Registration is closed

Join homecare leaders from across the region
at our signature event of the year!

This one-day event will provide you with a captive audience and the ability to cultivate and enhance business relationships with decision-makers.

Not only will you be able to build brand awareness, but you will also generate leads at our annual in-person meeting.

We offer numerous opportunities for you to showcase your product/service and target your ideal customer. From exhibit booths to receptions, and educational sessions to meals, this is your opportunity to engage this audience. Even if you can't attend in-person, consider buying an advertisement in the conference program guide.

Join us at the Turf Valley Resort where you can interact with our members, enjoy educational sessions, and network! If you would like to see a map layout of the venue, please let us know.

Email info@mncha.org or call 410.527.0780 to register.

Exhibit at the Annual Meeting...
  • Standard Exhibit Booth
  • Premium Exhibit Booth [Premium Booth Location & 2 company representatives]

Network with Board of Directors and Homecare Leaders...

  • Welcome Reception / VIP Dinner

On-site Sponsorship Options Include...

  • Breakfast Sponsor
  • Lunch Sponsor
  • Morning Refresher
  • Lanyards or other promotional collateral - MNCHA would love to brainstorm with YOU! 

Please Note: Sponsorship inclusions (company logo, 50-word company description, and/or program advertisement) are due on April 25, 2022.

©  2015 - 2024 Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association, Inc.
PO Box 1646 | Cockeysville, MD 21030
P: 410.527.0780  |  E: info@mncha.org

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